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August 09, 2001  The "Trip Up Leo" Award

It was a slow day at work today (idle minds too, are the devil's playground) so I came up with a new idea for my rants. I've really enjoyed Chris Pirillo's appearances on the show, starting back in the spring via netcam. I've figured out that what I really enjoy about him is his ability to trip up Leo. Owing to Leo's years of experience in radio and TV, our lovable cohost is very smooth on camera (okay, minus the coke spill and eating the toasted apple). Add to this his natural energy, and you have the occasional unstoppable force that others on the show can have difficulty keeping up with. However, Chris has more than once managed to bring Leo to a momentary halt. Two examples are the "Leo, I am your son" comment from a few months ago, and Chris's more recent unplanned appearance where he instructs Leo about how to face the camera.

So, in the same theme as my "quote of the night" feature, I will be instituting a "Trip Up Leo" award for those on the show who manage to bring Leo to derailment, however brief it may be, because Leo can't be thrown off for more than a few milliseconds. The first recipient of this award is of course, Mr. Lockergnome himself Chris Pirillo, for his past achievements.

Leo's Bootcamp tip: Moving the "My Documents" folder.
In Windows 98SE, it is not necessary to use Tweak UI to move the location of the "My Documents" folder.  You can do it the same way as mentioned for 2000 or ME (right-click on the desktop icon and select "Properties")

Posted by Christy on August 09, 2001 10:51 PM


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